TrainLegal Conference 2023

“Compliance & Governance In Malaysia’s Future Legal Landscape”
4th – 5th OCTOBER 2023
9.00am – 5.00pm
Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
The Malaysian Corporate Law Conference 2023 is the leading event for Compliance, HR, Legal, Integrity & Governance practitioners nationwide to gather and discuss issues pertaining to Compliance & Governance in Malaysia’s Future Legal Landscape. Serving as a platform in gathering prominent and influential legal experts across various fields and vocations, it guarantees to deliver critical insights on Compliance and Governance to help elevate businesses in terms of their compliance to the latest and new developments of the laws in Malaysia.
An organization that neglects regulatory compliance may face legal action which includes, penalties, imprisonment and shut down. The Malaysian Corporate Law Conference 2023 will facilitate the participants in taking the necessary course of action and precautions to protect their businesses and organizations from prosecution.
Scheduled to run on 4th & 5th October 2023 at Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, this conference will see participation from various fields and industries. The conference will offer the participants a dynamic session.
The Malaysian Corporate Law Conference 2023 is made possible with the collaboration of, ICONIC Training Solutions, KCOM Academy and TrainMode. Great effort has been invested in hosting a conference such as this which focuses on the aspects of compliance and governance.
Register now to guarantee your seat so that you won’t miss out on the premier Law event of the year!
HRDC GRANT ID: 10001312005

CPD – 10 Points
CPD CODE: T2/0405102023/TL/KL213483/10
4th-5th OCTOBER 2023
View Full Brochure Below
Learn from the Best
What the Speakers have to say..

Steven Lee
Topic: Environment, Social & Governance (ESG): “Regulatory Compliance & Compliance Challenges” / ESG: “Compliance & the Future”
It is important to understand the role of organizations in response to ESG compliance, which I will be addressing in the Malaysian Corporate Law Conference 2023. Some of these ESG compliance matters that participants can look forward to are:
Legal Compliance: Ensure that companies adhere to relevant environment, labour, human rights and regulations.
Risk Assessment and Management: Evaluate potential legal liabilities and reputational risks related to environmental impact, labour practices, supply chain management, data privacy etc.
Corporate Governance: Assist in designing governance structures that integrate ESG factors into decision-making processes.
Contracts and Transactions: Drafting and negotiating contracts that address environmental sustainability, labour standards, data protection and other relevant ESG concerns.
Stakeholder Engagement: Help develop strategies for effective communication, including handling ESG related disputes or controversies.
It is pertinent that all organizations develop and implement ESG strategies, ensure compliance, manage risks and adopt responsible practices.

Geoff Allen
Partner: Trowers & Hamlins Malaysia
Topic: Preparing the Malaysian Private/Public Sectors to Compete at the Highest Level
The private sector has always been under the spotlight as regards their competitiveness when it comes to competing both in the regional and international markets.
Empowering them the right way will help them compete better in both domestic and international markets. And a more competitive private sector will help create jobs, increase incomes, and reduce poverty.
My presentation in the Malaysian Corporate Law Conference will help to boost trade connectedness and participate in deep regional integration. We will be looking at the compliance & governance standards and requirements of certain international markets.
The objective of this presentation is for organizations to develop more efficient and inclusive compliance regulations as per the requirements of their foreign counterparts and strengthen their position and be in a position of advantage when expanding their business.

Assoc. Prof. Dr.Sonny Zulhuda
Topic: Cyber Security Law:
“From Compliance to Ensuring Digital Trust”
Cyber Security is a highly debated topic today. New regulations are expected in the near future. As this topic is my forte, I have graciously accepted this invitation to be part of the Malaysian Corporate Law Conference 2023. The objective of my presentation is:
- To contextualise cyber security vis a vis business continuity, asset management and consumer trust
- To examine the prevalent threats to cyber security and their legal consequences
- To learn the Malaysian legal and regulatory frameworks relevant to cyber security and the critical information infrastructure, which includes the Computer Crimes Act 1997 (issues of hacking & system sabotage), the Penal Code (issue of phishing and scamming), the PDPA 2021 (issues of data theft), and the Communications and multimedia Act 1998.
- To internalise the legal risks into a sustainable set of cyber security best practices
My presentation will give you a head start to get your organization poised for the new Cyber Security regulations. See you there!

Professor Dr Abu Bakar Munir
Topic: Personal Data Protection Act:
“Moving Forward”
For most of its existence, the data economy was structured around a “digital curtain” designed to obscure the industry’s practices from lawmakers and the public. Personal Data has been considered company property and a proprietary secret, even though the data originated from customers’ private behavior.
That curtain has since been lifted in many countries and a convergence of consumer, government, and market forces are now giving users more control over the personal data they generate. Instead of serving as a resource that can be freely harvested, countries in every region of the world have begun to treat personal data as an asset owned by individuals and held in trust by firms.
Leading firms are already adapting to the new reality as it unfolds. The key to this transition is for companies to reorganize their data operations around the new fundamental rules of consent, insight, and flow. This will be a far better organizing principle for the data economy.
In my presentation, I will be addressing issues relating to Personal Data Protection and more importantly, changes that are expected in Malaysia. Organizations need to know the way forward as Personal Data Protection is an important component of compliance in any organization. I hope to be able to steer our guests in the right direction.

Topic: Sexual Harassment at the Workplace: “Anti-Sexual Harassment Act 2022” / “Securing the Internal Mechanism”
Sexual harassment is a type of harassment involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones, including the unwelcome and inappropriate promises of rewards in exchange for sexual favours. Sexual harassment includes a range of actions from verbal transgressions to sexual abuse or assault.
The Anti-Sexual Harassment Act 2022 is noteworthy for being the first stand-alone Malaysian legislation that specifically addresses sexual harassment.
As an experienced trainer and speaker on the subject of Sexual Harassment at the workplace, I believe it is time that organizations paid attention to the latest developments in this area, as it will highly impact their organization.
My presentation and workshop will highlight:
- Sexual Harassment behaviour and take steps to prevent it
- The procedures for complaints of Sexual Harassment
- On creating Sexual Harassment awareness in the workforce
- Punishment for Sexual Harassment
- The new provisions in the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act 2021
Do not miss this golden opportunity!

Toh Siew Pat
Topic: Compliance with the Employment Act: “HR and the Corporate Perspective” / Employment Law: “Tweaking the Challenges”
The Employment (Amendment) Act 2022 has been in force since 1st January 2023. The amendments have increased the scope of the Act, provided better benefits to Employees and widen the powers of Employers.
Are your company’s policies, regulations and practices in compliances with the new amendments? The general penalty for non-compliance has been increased to a fine of not exceeding RM50,000.00.
Join us in this conference to find out the legalities, realities and practicalities in complying with the latest amendments and best practices. Understand the mechanism for ensuring a fair and secure working arrangement.
I will be looking into the theoretical and practical aspects of the Employment Law in both my presentation and workshops, focusing on creating strong work ethics outlining acceptable work behaviours. Take this opportunity to learn from me!

Jayantha Kumar Sen Gupta
Certified Integrity Officer (CeIO) and Ex-MACC Officer
Topic: Corporate Liability to Corporate Reliability: “Safeguarding against Corporate Liability, Being Adequate and Reaping Tax Benefits” / “Better Safe than Never”
The provision under Section 17A MACC Act 2009 is a provision that stipulates a corporate liability principle where a commercial organisation can be considered guilty if any of its employees and/or associates commit corruption for the benefit of the organization.
If a commercial organisation is found guilty under Section 17A, the penalty under Section 17A (2) is a fine of not less than 10 times the value of the bribe or RM 1 million, whichever is higher, or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. However, the commercial organisations can defend themselves if they can show that the organisation has implemented ‘Adequate Procedure’ in its operation.
The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has charged a company and its director under the new corporate liability offence in connection with a count of bribery worth RM 321,350 paid to secure a subcontract. This marks the first case under the new corporate liability regime and clearly demonstrates the MACC’s commitment in enforcing the corporate liability offence.
As a certified Integrity Officer and Ex-MACC Officer, I specialize in Anti-Bribery laws and will share my experience during the Malaysian Corporate Law Conference 2023. My focus in both my presentation and workshops during the conference will be to enlighten the participants with some good practices and the latest developments in the Anti-Bribery law. It is no secret that sharing best practices is an excellent way to improve compliance and governance of any organization.
Don’t miss out!

Dr Loganathan Krishnan
Topic: Paving the Right Direction in the Governance of Corporations
The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly created a paradigm shift in the way directors manage corporations to the extent they had to re-examine the way corporations are governed. Certain corporations adopted long term measures whilst other corporations adopted immediate actions in order to address the pandemic. Nonetheless, now that we have transited to an endemic phase, the pertinent issue is whether the measures adopted are sustainable in the current phase. Additionally, the issue is whether the measures adopted are able to withstand future crisis.
In addressing these issues, the uppermost question directors must consider in governing corporations, is whose interest is of priority i.e. the corporation, its shareholders, creditors, employees, the public at large, or the environment, etc? In this context, directors of a corporation play a key role as they have to make the right decisions in managing the corporation in order to strike an appropriate balance among the various competing interests.
Essentially, with the replacement of the Companies Act 1965 with the Companies Act 2016 (CA 206), one of the new approaches adopted by the CA 2016 is the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in tandem with the UNDP Sustainable Development Goals. As governance is one of the aspects of ESG, this brings us to the drawing board as to how the issue of governance of corporations must be addressed. Additionally, the introduction of governance by virtue of the CA 2016 adds further value to the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2021 (MCCG).
Hence, this session will explore the extent to which the Companies Act 2016 sets the standards on governance. The session will proceed to explore whether the standards are in tandem with those of the MCCG. This is imperative as the topic of governance of corporations has gained prominence over the years. The session will then include the approaches taken in other countries namely United Kingdom, Australia, Japan and China for comparative reasons and to take a leaf or two to obtain a holistic view on the issue of governance of corporations. This will then provide us insights on reforms that could be made to the current laws and code in improving on the governance of corporations. It is certainly time to take stock since despite the amendments to company law and improvements made on code of corporate governance, cases keep occurring. It certainly cannot be a case where directors have no knowledge on the wrongdoings that are taking/have taken place in the corporations. Governance of corporations are pivotal as bad governance may affect shareholders and stakeholders.

Dr Bahma Sivasubramaniam
Topic: Sexual Harassment at the Workplace: “Securing the Internal Mechanism”
Sexual harassment is a type of harassment involving the use of explicit or implicit sexual overtones, including the unwelcome and inappropriate promises of rewards in exchange for sexual favours. Sexual harassment includes a range of actions from verbal transgressions to sexual abuse or assault.
As an experienced Sexual Harassment trainer and speaker, I believe it is time that organizations paid attention to the latest developments in this area, as it will highly impact their organization. I will be jointly conducting the workshops to highlight:
- Sexual Harassment behaviour and take steps to prevent it
- The procedures for complaints of Sexual Harassment
- Ensuring that the organization’s internal mechanism to combat Sexual Harassment is effective
- On creating Sexual Harassment awareness in the workforce
Do not miss this rare opportunity!